SRHS Weekly Updates as of 1-26-25

SRHS Weekly Updates as of 1-26-25
Posted on 01/26/2025

Dear Falcon Families,

We hope this message finds you well as we begin our January wrap up. This week marks week four out of six, for the six week progress grading period. Lots of updates and reminders this week, so please read on for details. 

As we move further into the second semester, we start to see more Senior deadlines and events. The Graduation website is now open; see below for the link and more information. This week is the last chance to secure a Senior Recognition space in the yearbook. As of Friday, there are only 10 spaces left; sales close on January 31st, so don’t miss out! 

On Tuesday, January 28th, at 6:00 pm in room 253, we will offer a free Financial Aid Workshop. This workshop will provide valuable information on FAFSA, scholarships, grants, and college funding strategies. It’s a fantastic opportunity for Senior families to get the support they need as they navigate the financial aid process.

January 29th, the Air Force Concert Band will be on campus to perform and have a Q&A session with our students. This event is always lots of fun; entertaining and educational. Remind your students to check out the daily announcements this week for more information. 

The much-anticipated Winter Formal Dance at SeaWorld is just around the corner! This event promises to be a night of fun and lasting memories. Remind your student to check their grade level Google Classroom and the ASB Instagram for ticket information and guidelines. 

At this point in the semester, teachers are starting to update grades from the first few weeks. If you see your student struggling, please remind them to take advantage of the additional learning opportunities we offer, including Extended Day classes and SR6 (Saturday School). These programs are an excellent way for students to catch up, get ahead, or strengthen their skills. Additionally, planning is underway for Summer School 2025. Please see below for information. 

Thanks to the Scripps Ranch High School Foundation, the Wednesday Career Series kicks off this week. On January 29th, Deputy District Attorney Chris Lindberg will offer a presentation on Careers in Law. See below for details. 

In this week’s announcements, please check out details and reminders about the Winter Formal Dance, the 2025-2026 School Year Calendar, Extended Day classes, The Wednesday Career series, and more. 

Thank you for staying connected and for supporting our Falcons. Have a terrific week! See below for the latest updates as of 1-26-25.

Upcoming Calendar Events for Semester 2

  • Monday 1/27: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 2/3: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Saturday, 2/8: Winter Formal @ SeaWorld 7:30pm - 10:30pm

  • Monday 2/10: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Thursday 2/13: First Grading Period of Semester 2 Ends

  • Friday 2/14: Monday 2/17 No School, President’s Day 

  • Monday 2/24: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 3/3: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Friday 3/7: No School

  • Monday 3/10: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 3/17: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 3/24: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Friday 3/28: Second grading period of Semester 2 Ends

  • Monday 3/31 - Friday 4/4: Spring Break

  • Monday 4/7: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 4/14: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Tuesday 4/15 - Friday 4/18: CAASPP Testing

  • Monday 4/21: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 4/28: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 5/5: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 5/5 - Friday May 16th: AP Testing

  • Monday 5/12: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Monday 5/19: Early Out Modified Monday (school ends at 2:29pm)

  • Wednesday 5/21 - Friday 5/23: Senior Final Exams

  • Monday 5/26: No School, Memorial Day

  • Tuesday 5/27 - Thursday 5/29: 9th-11th grade Final Exams

  • Thursday 5/29: Last day of school & senior commencement

Graduation Information – Class of 2026

Senior families, we are happy to announce the graduation website is now open. Please check the school website at and select the Graduation 2025 tab for details.

Winter Formal Dance Ticket Sales
This year’s Winter Formal Dance will be Saturday, February 8th from 7:30 - 10:30pm at SeaWorld. Starting Tuesday, January 14th, tickets will be $95. Students get a chance to try the new Arctic Rescue ride for 3 hours before the dance, and the park will be closed to all other guests at this time ensuring more opportunity for our students to ride as many times as they can before time is up. Students can also enjoy the Penguin Encounter. Parking is free and students will get a catered dinner including a taco bar (type of tacos are chicken, fish or barbacoa) and cheesecake station, with unlimited sodas and waters. Of course they’ll also get to enjoy a dance with their friends, hosted by a DJ. Students can purchase at the finance window before school and at lunch using cash, check made out to Scripps Ranch High School, debit card, credit card (not American Express), or digital wallet. Eligible students will also be able to purchase via SchoolCash. Non-SRHS guest forms are available in the attendance office. 

Counseling Updates

At this time all 8th -11th grade students have met one-on-one with their counselor through their English class to confirm their course selection for next year. If students still want to make a change to their course requests, they must submit the Course Request Change Form by this Wednesday, January 29th. The Course Request Change Form can be found in the counseling office and requires a parent signature. 

CCTE Teach Lead Paid Internship opportunity summer 2025. Click here for more information. The 4 hub sites for the program are Hoover HS, Mira Mesa HS, MIssion Bay HS & Morse HS.

Reminder: Extended Day Classes                                                                                                      This semester we are offering three different sessions of extended day courses for remediation. These courses are for students who earned a D or F in a required course for graduation. The first session began 1/13/25 - 2/13/25 Math (Integrated Math 1,2,3), Spanish (1,2,3 and 4) and Bullets of Truth. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming sessions if your student requires remediation. Science and Social Science will be offered beginning 2/18/25 through 3/28/25 and English courses will be offered 4/7/25 through 5/29/25. As these dates approach parents and students will receive information on how to sign up for the specific courses being offered.

Summer School Information Summer 2025

Yesterday all families should have received an email message regarding summer 2025 programs. SRHS will not be hosting, six high school campuses (Hoover, Lincoln, LMEC, Mira Mesa ESY/Online only, Mission Bay, Morse) have been designated to host summer school. The hours will be 9:30-1:30 with session dates June 4th through July 3rd (Thurs. June 19 & Fri. June 20th there will be no classes) Students have the option to remediate two classes online or up to 4 in person. During February and March our counselors will be communicating and enrolling students that need to remediate classes towards graduation. Online courses will be offered at Mira Mesa High only. In person will be at the five other sites listed above. Families are encouraged to explore the FAQ and visit the Extended Learning Opportunities website for additional detailed information. 

Calendar for the 2025-26 School Year -  Reminder

For the 2025-26 school year:

  • Kick off will occur the week of July 28th - more details will be coming soon

  • School will begin on Monday, August 11th. 

  • Semester 1 finals will be the week of December 15th.

  • Semester 2 finals will be the week of May 25th, seniors the week of May 18th. 

  • Last day of school next year is May 28th

  • Most likely graduation for next school year will be on May 28th as well.  

We understand that families often plan events, trips, and vacations well in advance. To support your student’s success, please schedule vacations outside of our finals weeks. Missing finals requires students to make arrangements with their teachers after grades close, which creates challenges for both staff and students and could hinder their success.

Bullying/Report a Concern Link - Reminder

For instances of bullying or to report a concern, please use this Bullying Report Link; the link is also posted at the very bottom of our school website. You will then select “Report Bullying.” The very first question asks “Is your concern about the conduct of an employee?”  If the answer is yes, it will direct you to a different form. Prior to filing a report, we ask that you review the district’s best practices for resolving concerns, which starts at addressing the concern directly at the site level. Once reports are submitted they are received by the district’s Office of Investigations, Compliance & Accountability (ICA). A member of their team will reach out to you to confirm receipt and ask any pertinent questions. Ultimately the report will be directed to the site-level authority for resolution.

Attendance & Eligibility Reminder

Students with AZWs or more than three Ts will be ineligible for school activities and events. Seniors with AZWs or more than three Ts will be ineligible for senior privileges including winter formal, prom, and the senior graduation ceremony. Students will remain accountable for all truancy codes (AZWs) and any more than three tardies per semester, from 8/26/24 onward. Seniors with AZTWs will be called in by their Associate Principal this week. Opportunities for attendance recovery and academic support can be found here. 

The Wednesday Career Series and future college presentations

The Wednesday Career Series, hosted by the Scripps Ranch High School Foundation, kicks off on January 29th with a presentation on Careers in Law by Deputy District Attorney Chris Lindberg. This session will take place in person in the library, at lunch, from 12:55 to 1:25 p.m.. All students are welcome to attend.

SR6 Semester Two Reminder
Students can sign up here for our next session, held February 1st with Mr. Batchelor (math, Rm 700) and Mr. Garcia (theater). View all Semester Two SR6 Dates. SR6 (Scripps Ranch 6) is an academic support available to all students. It is a 6th day of school hosted on select Saturdays for four hours, 8am-12pm. SR6 will be hosted by a certificated teacher(s) who will provide instruction and support. A breakfast and lunch meal is available for all students attending SR6 at no charge. SR6 is also an avenue for students to recover their attendance (AZTWs in PowerSchool) to remain eligible for school events.

Universal Form - Reminder

Effective with the 2024-2025 school year the district is requiring that the Universal Form, which is included in the Facts for Parents Booklet, be completed online.  Although you may have completed the Universal Form via hard copy, it also needs to be completed online in Parent Portal.

Why is this form important to complete/update for your student and Scripps Ranch High School?

  • The form allows parents/guardians to submit Photo/Video/Media Release information (This will provide us with permission to include your student in the yearbook – without your permission, we cannot include their photo.)

  • Please pay close attention to the options on box #2 – Photography/Video/Media Release.  Choosing the LAST option “I do not want my child’s name, photo or video published publicly” INCLUDES the school yearbook.

  • Technology/Network Acceptable Use information

  • Acknowledge the Restorative Discipline Plan and Policy

Steps for completing the Universal Form

1. Sign into your Parent Portal account.
2. Click Forms.
3. Select a language preference by selecting the gearbox in the upper right corner and choose a preferred language.
4. Click Universal Form.
5. Complete the form, sign and submit.

If you do not have access to Parent Portal, please complete this form: Scripps Ranch HS Parent Portal Access Request

The Universal Form should be completed in the Parent Portal by January 31, 2025.

That’s all for today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 



Matt Lawson, Ed.D


Scripps Ranch High School

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